Claim your pre-approved profile

Already see your profile in our directory? You may be pre-approved to join our network.

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Grow your own practice

Start accepting insurance and getting new patients from Fay's referral partners. We help you grow your book of business.
Billing for registered dietitian nutritionists

Billing & admin support

We know insurance billing is painful, so Fay bills to insurance for you and guarantees you get paid every month.
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Free for the RD

Fay is completely free as long as you're an RD. We give you everything you need for success.

We help you build a profitable insurance based practice and get connected with more clients that want to work with you whenever you want to work with them.

Backed by the best

We're proud of the relationships we've built

When you join Fay, you join a network that's supported by the best names in health and medicine.

Blue Cross Blue Shield LogoUnited Healthcare Health Insurance LogoCigna Health Insurance Logo

Hear what dietitians are saying

"I got 8 new clients within the first week of joining Fay. It has been awesome connecting with new clients who I usually would have turned away because I only took cash payments."

"It has always been my goal to get into private practice. Fay helped me market my profile to physicians and patients who needed to pay with insurance."

"I tried for 2 years to get in-network with BCBS, but Fay got me in-network within 4 weeks."

"Fay provided me with so much more peace of mind, now that I don't have to worry about if clients can afford to pay me and whether or not they would even pay me at all. Fay pays me consistently every month so I don't stress."

"There were so many barriers to accepting insurance, but Fay made it easy."

"Fay marketed my name and helped me meet more patients that fit my specialty. It also led to me working with physicians who continue to refer me new patients."

"There are so many benefits to joining Fay, where do I start! The billing support, digital marketing, networking with primary care has been a game changer."